Amreeta is an award-winning entrepreneur and passionate thought leader in the fintech space.

Amreeta Abbott Sitting in chair

Actions speak louder

Amreeta is recognised for her ability to drive innovative solutions and turning great ideas into revolutionary companies. Not just through leadership but by doing. Amreeta’s unique ability to inspire the right investors to jump on board and breathe life into a business is clearly demonstrated in her astounding track record of successfully exploding one business after the other.

Well-known for her industry disrupting NowInfinity which sold for $25 million in 2020, Amreeta is now making waves in CarExpert, Annature and Succession Plus in founder and board member roles as she continues to drive industry changing companies to greater levels of impact.

Success Stories
Amreeta Abbott pink heels sitting in white char
Entrepreneur of the year
Femtech Leader of the Year Finalist
Top 50 Women in Accounting Dual Finalist
Innovator of the Year & Fintech Leader of the Year
Fintech Business of the Year Finalist Trust Deed Provider of the Year
How is Amreeta Different?

Companion to your business

Amreeta’s approach is as a companion to your business, she is unlike like VC’s as she works alongside company founders and is down in the trenches getting things done, making things happen!

Connecting you with the right people

Knowing the right people is often the only thing between your vision being achieved or not. Amreeta likely already knows those people or is that person.
NowInfinity and Beyond

Amreeta founded fintech NowInfinity which was acquired by the ASX listed company Class Limited for $25mill in 2020.

Less than 1% of start-up businesses achieve the entrepreneur’s dream of a multi-million dollar sale, especially to an ASX listed company. The number of female led technology start-ups to have achieved this feat that can be counted on one hand!

Being the visionary of NowInfinity from inception right through to sale, demonstrates my skill as a leading CEO and I hope that inspires all women in business.
Amreeta Abbott wearing black top smiling
Read more success stories

The experience and knowledge that Amreeta brings to the table is substantial and just what we need to take our business to the next level of growth

Craig West
CEO Succession Plus